Haynes Party of Six

Brainy Quote of the day

Catching UP!

Our new family past time is the wii, not sure who has the highest score on the down hill skiing now?!?! wii fit is fun. Jay likes the tiger woods golf.
Jay started his job with publix! yeah.

Riley with cousin Emma Grace. Nice to see them so much :)

Surprised my sister for her 50th birthday! Wish we lived closer together :( Got to hang out with Anna, go to OC swap meat, to church in Ontario, and paint paint paint, lol.


Our VBS was about serving others. Aunt Rebecca is a new part of our church family, we had a foot washing as part of the lesson, seen her with Emily Ann. Mr Kevin serves Riley. Only a few weeks before this Mr Kevin was teaching Riley to shoot guns out on his farm!

Jay participating in helping the kids @ VBS.

Emily was one of the actresses in the many skits and songs during our VBS!

Lakeshore Moms and kids had a day @ the park, it's pretty nice for Riley to be with his cousins Ben and Emma Grace so much.

The Boys in Alaska '07

Jay and Jimmy spent a week fishing with Jimmy's brother John and cousins John and Hunter in Alaska. Roughin it!

Hunter, Jay & John

Jay caught this King Salmon, on his last day! We've been enjoying salmon, red fish and halibut from AK.

she’s ridin in the middle of a pickup truck Blarin Hank Jr. yellin, “Turn it up!”They raised her up a lady but there’s one thing they couldn’t avoid~Ladies love country boys~Hunter and Jay's mantra, ha!

Quiet House

Jimmy is gone preaching and fishing in Alaska, Jay has gone to join him after FC camp in Alabama and hanging out with his cousin Hunter. Girls have gone to NC FC camp. And now Riley has gone to Ms Bre's while I work a few nights..... can I deal with the quiet??? We will see!!

Fathers Day 2007

Out to Olive Garden for the blessed event this year. We missed Jay as he was off to Tallahasee, beginning his month of vacationing with the John Haynes Family. Gifts included his favorites snickers, pimento olives and gear for his fishing trip to Alaska.
Looks like Hayley and Emily coordinated their outfits for the occasion.

Crazy summer in Florida

What a week in weather we have had. From hanging out at the pool to threats of tornado's. Emily, Riley and I had made a hide out in case we heard twirler was near by of blankets, computer and cell phones. Check out the view from out our front door.